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Event Logistics
Packet Pickup
The specific location of packet pick-up is yet to be determined. It will be on the west side of Denver in the Golden/Lakewood area. The exact times are to be confirmed, but they will be approximately what is listed below. Packet pick-up specifics will be sent to all registered riders and updated on this page once we confirm location and time.
July 10: 12:00 pm -7:30 pm
July 11: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
A friend, teammate, or family member can pick up your gear for you.
Early packet pick-up is not available. Please don’t email us to ask if you can pick it up early. They will not be ready.
There is no packet pick up in Avon.
It is possible to pick up your number plate at the start line on ride day starting at 5:15 a.m., but we strongly recommend you pick it up before or elect to have it shipped.
Jerseys will not be available Saturday morning if you elect to get your number on the event day. We cannot guarantee you will receive the correct size if you decide to pick it up in Avon. Said with love, but you’ve been warned.
We will ship via one of our trusty delivery services by the end of June. Packets will arrive no later than July 3rd, so please plan accordingly for where you want your packet shipped.
Directions & Parking
Triple Bypass
The easiest solution to parking on the morning of the Triple is to have someone drop you off. Parking is extremely limited in Evergreen. Absolutely no parking at drop-off locations. Buchanan Park (the start) is closed to all vehicles.
Bergan Park Business Park - short ride to the start
Fillius Park Area - short ride to the start
Bergen Park Church - absolutely no parking here
There are several lots in Evergreen to park. All lots will allow you to leave your car Saturday night and pick it up Sunday morning. Park in designated lots or to the right of the white line on roadways (Bergen Parkway prohibited). Do not park near businesses or homes. Vehicles that are impeding traffic will be ticketed or towed. Please respect our neighbors. Do not park in no-parking zones.
Bergen Park Business Park
Evergreen Rodeo - Lots of parking available around 3 miles from the start. You can ride there (bonus points) or we have shuttles starting at 5am.
If you want to drop a car in Avon on Friday, overnight parking is only available at the Bear Lot, minutes from the finish area. We will publish a sign that you can print and place on your dash to indicate you are planning to park overnight.
The closest public parking to the finish area is the Bear Lot. The Town of Avon will run shuttles from the finish to this lot during the event. It’s also a short bike ride (<5 minutes). Additional parking is dispersed throughout the town center, with a variety of on-street parking lots and parking structure spaces available on a first-come, first-served basis. Look out for Avon’s parking signs with easy-to-read blue circles and a “P” designation. Please do not attempt to park near the finish line venue.
Rider pick-up location will be announced before the ride.
Empire to Avon
There is a mandatory mass start at 8am. Law enforcement will escort all riders approximately 2 miles from Empire before merging onto the Triple Bypass course.
There is NO parking on public streets in Empire. Please follow volunteer instructions for parking and drop off.
double Bypass
Golden is one of the coolest spots on the Front Range and home to a pretty famous brewery. It’s the best place to stay pre-ride: close to the start, lower elevation, and close to packet pick up. Evergreen only has one hotel and it normally sells out very fast. *Denotes discounted Triple Bypass Rate and direct booking link.
Lodging options in Golden:
Closest to the start in Evergreen. Sells out quickly so book now!
We have secured overnight camping on Friday 7/12 beginning at 3:30pm. reasonable-sized RV, van, tent or car camping are all welcome. Feel free to avoid the rush on Saturday morning and stay the night before. Large and oversized vehicles must park at the Evergreen Rodeo Grounds. This is overflow parking as well. Warm-up and ride the 3 miles to the start or catch a free shuttle beginning at 5am.
There are porta-a-potties and water available, but there are no hookups. Please, no fires and no generators. Pack out your trash and keep the drinking to a minimum. Make sure you return and depart the grounds no later than noon Sunday.
Reserve camping here.
Avon is a scenic town, rich in Colorado hospitality. Take advantage of Summit Cycle Solutions shuttle from Avon to the Triple start on Saturday and consider booking a few days in the gorgeous high country. Be sure to book this lodging now, as it will sell out!
COMFORT INN* (Use this link to reserve. If rooms are no longer available through link, contact hotel and refer to Triple Bypass discount.)
Hotels and Airbnb are abundant in Vail Valley. Please use your favorite travel search engine to find the best option for you.
Reservations open January 1, 2025. Our partners at Summit Cycle Solutions offer shuttles to get you back to Evergreen on Saturday afternoon, or Sunday morning. Warning: These buses sell out every year! Summit Cycle Solutions has worked hard to keep costs as low as possible and guarantee the lowest return shuttle price. Unaffiliated shuttle companies with bike transport are significantly more expensive.
Summit Cycle Solutions will be providing pre-purchased transportation services from Avon, CO (finish venue) to predetermined parking locations in Evergreen Saturday morning and both Evergreen and Georgetown on Saturday afternoon.
Services include bike transportation, a bike security corral, reclining seats, adjustable footrests, onboard spacious restrooms, overhead racks, and weatherproof luggage compartments.
Do you need luggage transportation to your hotel in Avon? The Summit Cycle Solutions team has your back! Check out their luggage transfer service HERE. Combine this service with a Sunday shuttle for a relaxing weekend in the Vail Valley.
For the safety of our riders, personal support vehicles are only allowed in areas designated along the course and are not allowed on the course for any reason. Riders meeting personal support vehicles will have their number pulled and be disqualified from the ride. The only two designated areas for personal support are:
The Triple Bypass is a closed route. Under no circumstances can anyone in a vehicle be on the course with you. This is for the safety of all riders.
There is NO public access at Aid Stations, with the exception of Aid Station #3 at Loveland Ski Area. Those who have support vehicles on the course will have their numbers pulled and will no longer be considered a participant.
We would also love to see them at the finish line in Avon!
[The bike route from Evergreen to Avon is different from the route by car. Spectators can drive west on I-70 to get to Avon.]
The closest public parking to the finish area is the Bear Lot. The Town of Avon will run shuttles from the finish to this lot during the event. It’s also a short bike ride (<5 minutes). Additional parking is dispersed throughout the town center with a variety of on-street parking lots and parking structure spaces available on a first come, first served basis. Look out for Avon’s parking signs with easy-to-read blue circles and “P” designation. Please do not attempt to park near the finish line venue.
Rider pick-up location will be announced before the ride. There is no parking in this lot, the driver must stay with the vehicle. This lot will be monitored, and cars left in this lot will be towed.
Ride Details
Triple Bypass
One July day in 1988, a group of avid cyclists decided that it would be fun and challenging to ride from Evergreen to the Vail Valley, Colorado. And so it was. Thirty-five years later and thousands of more friends beside them, the Triple Bypass is an epic bucket-list ride that has donated millions to charitable non-profits.
The Triple Bypass stretches 118 miles, with 10,800 feet of elevation gain over 3 mountain passes: Juniper, Loveland, and Vail.
Double Bypass
The Double Bypass travels from Empire to Avon in Vail Valley, Colorado. It’s a shorter, but totally sweet alternative to the longer Triple Bypass. After a 2 mile police escort from the start in Empire to the merge with Triple Bypass course, the route takes you up and over Loveland and Vail passes to the finish line in Avon. Not quite ready for the full Triple? This one’s for you. Still not easy, but worth every mile!
The Double Bypass covers 80 miles, with 6,500 feet of elevation gain over 2 mountain passes: Loveland and Vail.
Please note: The Double Bypass has a mandatory mass start at 8am.
Weekend Schedule
Thursday, July 10
Packet Pick up - Location and time to be confirmed. West side of Denver
Friday, July 11
Packet Pick up - Packet Pick up - Location and time to be confirmed. West side of Denver
Saturday, July 12
5:00am-7:30am: Triple Bypass rider bag drop off at Buchanan Park. All riders MUST wear their wristband for access to aid and to pass through the start checkpoint. Please don’t invite your friends to ride alongside you. It is a significant expense to close roads for your benefit, and we are a nonprofit, for heaven’s sake. Please don’t poach the course.
Before 8 am: Triple Bypass ride begins. If you leave Evergreen before sunrise (5:45 am), YOU MUST USE A FRONT AND REAR LIGHT. The state patrol will pull anyone without lights before sunrise. You must start before 8 am. Please note: if you start too early you will be ahead of aid station openings and road closures.
8am: Double Bypass rider bag drop off at Double Bypass start line. Mandatory start time for Double Bypass riders.
1pm-7:30pm: Finish line festivities!
Course Maps
Triple Bypass
[Evergreen to Avon]
The classic Triple is a bucket-list event across the nation, and for good reason. Leaving from Evergreen, CO, we travel over Juniper, Loveland and Vail pass. Pure gorgeous.
All riders receive a limited edition jersey or t-shirt, full support, a big ol’ medal, four aid stations, and a finish party including food and beer.
START LOCATION Buchanan Park in Evergreen, Colorado.
Although it’s not a race, the Triple Bypass hosts two timed uphill segments so you can see how amazing you are. There will be start flags and a timing mat at the base of each climb and a finish flag at the end of each segment. [Please do not cross the yellow line, interfere with other riders, or behave aggressively during your timed segments.] .
double Bypass
[Empire to Avon]
At 8am law enforcement will lead all Double riders the approximately 2 mile distance from Empire to the merge with the Triple Bypass course and continue over Loveland and Vail Passes for a challenging ride into Avon. Not quite ready for the full Triple? This one is for you. It's still not easy, but worth every mile.
All riders receive a limited edition jersey or t-shirt, full support, a big ol’ medal, four aid stations, and finish party including food and beer.
START LOCATION Empire, Colorado.
Though the Triple is not a race, you must adhere to the cut-offs. Plan your day accordingly. Cut off times are enforced.
Cut Off times
Due to safety, permit, medical, and law enforcement requirements, any rider who does not make it by aid station cutoff times will have their number removed. We have roaming SAG vehicles and shuttles available to the finish line if needed. Please ensure your supporters, friends, or family know of these cutoff times.
If you choose to disregard our 4:30 p.m. cutoff time, you are no longer a Triple Bypass rider. You must have a phone on you and be carrying lights. The finish line area will be closed by 8 p.m. Please communicate with those who may be waiting for you. We strongly recommend that you plan and train accordingly for your own safety.
Start, Evergreen [8am]
Aid 2, Georgetown [11:30am]
Aid 3, Loveland Ski Area [2pm]
Aid 4, Summit High School [4:30pm]
Bag Drop
The Triple Bypass offers free rider bag transport from the start to the finish in Avon. Please note the following to make sure you don’t miss out on this service!
Rider bag drop off is at Buchanan Park in Evergreen from 5:00am to 7:30am. Look for the large truck and signs near the port-a-potties.
Rider bag drop off is available at rider drop off and parking from 7:30am to 9am.
On Course Support
For the safety of our riders, personal support vehicles are only allowed in designated areas: Loveland Ski Area and Copper Mountain Alpine Lot. But don’t worry, we have plenty of on course support to get you up and over those passes!
Aid stations will have sweet and salty snacks, water, and electrolyte hydration. Gluten-Free options will be available. Fill up your bottles, grab a snack and keep moving!
Aid Station 1: Mile 12, Echo Mountain [6:30am-10am]
Aid Station 2: Mile 40, East of Georgetown [7:30am-12pm]
Aid Station 3: Mile 55, Loveland Ski Area [9am-2pm]
Aid Station 4: Mile 76, Summit High School [10am-4:30pm]
Hydration Station: Mile 94, - Water, Hydration Mix [noon-6:30pm}
[Absolutely no personal rider support or vehicles allowed at Aid Stations 1, 2, or 4. Riders who ignore this will have their number pulled and will no longer be considered a Triple Bypass Rider.]
Official support vehicles (SAG) will be available for riders needing assistance throughout the day. Be prepared to provide dispatch with your approximate location and reason for calling (i.e., mechanical, need a ride, or emergency). SAG vehicles are instructed to always move riders forward. They will not return you to the previous aid station. Any SAG taken after Georgetown Aid 2 will take you directly to the finish.
Mechanical support for tire fixes and simple adjustments will be available at all aid stations. If you have a mechanical issue during the event and are unable to proceed to the next aid station, call SAG dispatch [number to be confirmed for 2024] and a support vehicle will pick you up as soon as possible.
The ride is supported by a large medical team. You will find a First Aid tent at all Aid Stations as well as roving medical support in vehicles and on bikes on course. If you need medical assistance, please call the SAG number (to be provided). It is critical that ALL riders are registered and riding under their own names and provide us with updated emergency contact information. Please do not ‘give’ your number plate to another person. (See Friends and Family Transfers).
The Triple Bypass is a closed route. Under no circumstances can any vehicles be on the course with you. There is NO public access at Aid Stations, with the exception of Aid Station #3 at Loveland Ski Area. Those who have support vehicles on the course will have their numbers pulled and will no longer be considered a participant. This is for the safety of all riders. Friends and family are still welcome to meet their riders along the way if they access the route on foot from non-closed roadways.
Finish Line Party
Located in Nottingham Park in Avon. Celebrate with a free beer and tasty food! The finish catering is included in your registration. Vegetarian and gluten-free options will be available. You may purchase additional meal tickets for friends and family.
Festivities from 12pm-7:30pm
All riders will receive a delish Wahoo’s burrito, a N/A bevie, and a refreshing beer. We encourage friends and family to join us at the finish line celebration. A limited number of meal tickets will be available for purchase for non-riders.
The Town of Avon is allowing all riders to shower at the rec center for free! However, there will be a limited number of towels available, so please remember to pack your own towel (or rely on the fact that we have a dry climate and save enough energy to do some jumping jacks!).
We have a limited amount of Triple gear available for purchase at the finish line. If your jersey or gear does not fit and we have your size available, we are happy to exchange it at the finish. No exchanges can be made at packet pick-up or before the event.
We love our furry friends as much as you, but dogs are not allowed in Nottingham Park during this event.
Rider pick up in Avon. Specific location to be determined.
Lost and Found will be located at the Team Evergreen Tent.
The closest public parking to the finish area is the Bear Lot. The Town of Avon will run shuttles from the finish to this lot during the event. It’s also a short bike ride (<5 minutes). Additional parking is dispersed throughout the town center with a variety of on-street parking lots and parking structure spaces available on a first come, first served basis. Look out for Avon’s parking signs with easy-to-read blue circles and “P” designation. Please do not attempt to park near the finish line venue.
Rider pick up will be at the First Bank parking lot. There is no parking in this lot, the driver must stay with the vehicle. This lot will be monitored, and cars left in this lot will be towed.
All entries include a custom 2025 Triple Bypass jersey, stocked aid stations, full ride support and SAG, finish line beer and food, bragging rights, and a big ‘ol congratulatory medal to swing around your neck.
[Pricing for Triple and Double Bypass is the same. Double riders will receive a customized jersey. The Double Bypass is limited to only 250 riders and will sell out prior to the Triple Bypass.
2025 Entry Fee
$235 - Early Bird / Member Pricing
$250 - January 1, 2025
Please note: Pricing displayed on registration system included ALL processing fees.
Primal runs pretty true to American sizing. This is not Euro sizing. If you want to grab a tape measure, you can view their sizing chart here. If you are in the Denver area you can stop by their showroom during office hours.
Refund Policy
Your Triple Bypass Entry is non-refundable.
You will see optional rider cancellation coverage offered by a third party available for purchase during registration. The optional insurance generally covers accidents and illness leading into the event. The optional is not a ‘change my mind policy’. It does not cover change of plans, lack of training, minor injuries, general sickness, bad weather day etc. Please consider purchasing additional rider insurance if you would like extra peace of mind and check the policy limitations before you purchase.
[No exceptions. Please don’t email us and ask for a refund. It is unfair to those who invested in insurance, and we hate being the bad guy. We have provided a number of options for you.]
Friends and family transfer
There is NO public resale of entries. If you have a friend of family member who would like your entry we are happy to transfer it to them at any time. The cost of the transfer is $15. PLEASE no posting of for sale entries on public websites/Craigslist etc. The transfer MUST be done officially in our system. We need updated contact information, waiver, jersey size etc. for the new rider.
Sell to a waitlist riderr
DEFER to 2026
If your plans change you may defer your entry for a fee. The fee is paid when you defer, and you will not be charged when you sign up in 2026.
Prior to April 25, 2025 - $35 fee
April 26 to June 13, 2025 - $55 fee
June 14 to July 3, 2025 - $120 fee
If you decide after July 3, 2025 (10 days before the event) that you can’t ride we will hold a place for you for 2026, but you will have to pay the full fee again.
Deferrals are not transferable, they are for you to return and finish what you started.
If you defer before April 14 and you order gear, we will refund you for your gear. If you defer after April 14, your additional merchandise will be shipped to you or available for pick up. If you defer your entry you do not get a 2025 jersey.
To processing a deferral login to your RunSign-up Dashboard and click DEFER.